[imp] Mail sorting

Tom Sahrendt zeitenflug at yahoo.com
Fri May 26 06:08:05 PDT 2006

hi, pault!

> options icon in the top row, not administration in
> the sidebar...

I'm sorry, but my installation doesn't make any
difference between those two. I have an administration
icon in the top bar and I have an administration icon
in the sidebar but both open the same menu. I don't
see any differences. Both direct me to a sub-menu
called "configuration". There I can choose if I want
to adjust the options for HORDE or for IMP. I deleted
the horde directory and de-tarred Horde/IMP again, it
didn't make any difference. I just don't have those
options you are talking about.

However, I used grep to find instances of "display" in
the conf files and found entries in my prefs.php in my
config directory. It defines an array that seems to
have fields for the number of messages and the sort
order. However, I don't find those fields in my
conf.xml. As I understand Horde - and due to the fact
that I just downloaded it, I don't understand it very
well - the setup options in the Administration menu
seem to parse the xml file.

I guess it should be possible to add the display
options part to the conf.xml file. But what do I have
to take care of when I do this? I use the original
conf.xml and prefs.php from a fresh install (just
downloaded from the webpage).

Any hints?


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