[imp] smtphost in servers.php not overriding mailer in Horde's conf.php?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Aug 28 20:21:00 PDT 2006

Quoting Alain Fauconnet <alain at ait.ac.th>:

> I was just expecting to see whether others have hit that problem too,
> or if I was just having a bad day and overlooked something obvious. If
> no one had anything helpful to say, silence would have been OK. Jan,
> your reply was not only useless, but its tonality is close to being
> offensive. If you don't want to help, just shut up.

Jan spends a ton of time helping people, fixing bugs, doing  
maintenance, and otherwise simply making this project work. Telling us  
that we are free to ignore you is disingenuous - that's just a  
different thing that you - sure, not you, but someone - will complain  
about. And Jan's point is valid even if you don't like its tone. If  
there wasn't a ticket or a line in the changelog, then you're asking  
us to support a version that has been superceded by minor bugfix  
releases. Not going to happen for free, but you're welcome to hire  
someone to do it.

> As for using an old version, I closely follow this mailing list and in
> the environment with user having high expectations and very little
> tolerance I "enjoy" here, what I read on the mailing list makes me
> think that the latest and greatest Horde/IMP are not for us yet. I
> wish to stay at that version because it seems to offer the most
> stability at this time. I might be wrong on this, but that's my choice
> and I'm entitled to make it. I'm sure there are other readers of this
> mailing list in the same situation. If that's a sacrilege, so be it.

Of course it's not sacrilege. It's a perfectly valid opinion that is  
never going to change anything - because you're not submitting tickets  
or patches to help us improve.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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