[imp] Weird IMAP folder listing -- Solution

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Dec 3 22:43:12 UTC 2007

Quoting Jaap Winius <jwinius at umrk.to>:

> Second, after wondering where my IMAP subscriptions were being saved, I
> discovered that this was in the ~/.mailboxlist file. This file had
> been migrated over from my old server, which runs Horde2, and it also
> contained a series of ~/* entries that Horde2 was ignoring (no idea how
> they got there). Horde3, however, was not ignoring them and was not
> allowing me to change or delete these entries either, hence my
> confusion. Cleaning out this file with a text editor and building it up
> again using IMP4 was the answer.

This is an incorrect statement.  Horde/IMP doesn't "ignore" these  
files.  In fact, Horde/IMP doesn't have access to those files at all.   
It is your IMAP server that is ignoring those files.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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