[imp] more address book expansion - comma separated lists of aliases and impatient users

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Tue Jun 3 15:26:42 UTC 2008

Our users have complained about another behavior change from the old  
address book expansion style.

You type in a list of nicknames from your personal address, comma  
separated, and it tab out of the field.  You don't wait for the  
spinner to spin or any suggestions to appear.  You just type in the  
comma separated list and leave the field.

Rather than looking everything up, it tacks the default domain name on  
to each of the bare words when you hit send. This results in mail  
going to places you didn't intend.  4.1 would replace things where it  
could when you tabbed out of the field.

I'm not sure how this should be handled.  In cases where there an  
exact match, I think it should just replace the address.   What should  
it do in the case of multiple matches? Maybe something like the  
interactive spell check pop-ups?

Or do we just tell users "this is just how it works now.  Sorry."?


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