[imp] Difference between forwarding and redirecting

Jussi Paju Jussi.Paju at iki.fi
Mon Aug 4 12:59:20 UTC 2008

On Mon, 4 Aug 2008, Roman Serbski wrote:

> Thank you Jan. But in terms of technical realization -- is there any
> difference between forwarding and redirecting? I mean, when you
> forward or create a new message
> $conf['mailer']['params']['sendmail_path'] is the key configuration
> option, is it applicable for redirecting as well or it's handled
> differently? I'm just trying to understand where my fault is and why
> forwarding of signed messages works OK and redirecting of signed
> messaged doesn't.

When redirecting, the original headers stay intact and only one or more 
redirect-headers are added. When forwarding, the old message is just a 
part of the completely new message with brand new headers, ie. without 
any kind of signing etc, and the original headers of the forwarded 
message are not used at all by SMTP servers.


Jussi Paju
  - luoja, creator -

:: Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
:: I can't hear you. I have a banana in my ear.

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