[imp] Loosing composing data after session killed (Message recompose not working)

Arminas g.arminas at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 07:11:09 UTC 2008

Dear list,

I've tried googling to find a solution to my problem, but all I found
was just a post without any answer or solution to it. Here is the link
to that post:

I've got the same problem. I've set that cookie's lifetime is 0 . In
php.ini session max lifetime is being set to 1440 sec. Everything
works great. When user is idle for a 24 minutes (1440 sec), he is
being kicked out . But the problem is that no such message as "To
continue your message, please enter login and password again" is

I've checked that the parameter $reason is empty when
sess_xxxxxxxxxxxx file in temporary directory is deleted. I'm using
the latest horde and imp versions. Fresh install didnt helped either.

Thanks for reading my post,

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