[imp] How to get unrecognized file type to application/octet-stream

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Tue Jun 16 15:22:51 UTC 2009


we have the problem that attachments sent with Horde/IMP arrive as  
Content-Type text/plain at receiver side and are therefore  
useless/corrupted (7-Zip Files for example). If have digged around a  
little bit but get lost in the MIME-Type mess. We have tried to change  
the "DefaultType" directive in Apache to "application/octet-stream"  
but the problem still persists.

As far as i understand Horde/IMP uses the Content-Type sent by the  
User Browser or try to detect it by mime_magic/fileinfo if not set?

How can i check what is sent by the browser (tcpdump search?)

How can i check what would be detected by Horde/IMP "by hand"

Can anyone confirm this behavior or is this some error in my setup

Tests done :
Send e-Mail with attachment consist of random data (dd if=/dev/urandom  
of=some.file count=100) with either IE8 or Firefox 3.0.11. Check with  
mailclient to seen the Content-Type as text/plain. Checked with md5sum  
that the resulting files are different.

Many Thanks


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