[imp] URGENT: Problems with receiving emails, please help asap

monika at liquidappointments.co.uk monika at liquidappointments.co.uk
Thu Aug 13 10:23:33 UTC 2009


We are using Horde Webmail for our company email.

One of my emails: reena at liquidappointments.co.uk is not working
properly, we can't receive any emails. Please bare in mind, this is a
business enquiry and we need to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Second of my emails, info at liquidappointments.co.uk is not working
properly either, when I try to compose a mail, it doesn't show the
full screen to write a mail, I can't use it for outbound mails at all.

Unfortunately our IT person with the company is unavailable to reach,
as he is on holiday at the moment.

Do you have any suggestions?

My direct line is 00442030564814

Thank you in advance,

Monika Masarova
Telesales Manager
Liquid Appointments

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