[imp] question about IMP 5

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Mar 10 05:52:53 UTC 2010

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Kevin Hanser <imp-ml at hanser.org>:
>> Hello everyone!  I have a question about IMP 5;  I've looked on the  
>> website and searched the mailing lists, but I can't seem to find  
>> the answer I'm looking for.
>> I was on the site today checking things out and I noticed that a  
>> new version of IMP with AJAX-ish interface is under development.
> There also is an AJAX interface for IMP 4, it's called DIMP and is  
> currently available on the stable, Horde 3 line.
>   I was
>> wondering if there's instructions on the easiest way to download  
>> and install this version (IMP 5).  According to the roadmap page,  
>> it looks like the only thing still under development is "Allow  
>> direct access to remote accounts", which isn't a feature I need  
>> anyway.  So based on this, should I be able to install and use IMP  
>> 5 today?
>> If so, what's the easiest way to obtain a copy?  I found the git  
>> instructions page, but I'm not sure what modules / pieces I would  
>> need to get it up and running.  (ie, what horde version is needed,  
>> etc)
> Currently, you can get a copy by checking out the horde git  
> repository and following the directions you already found on the  
> website. The repository contains all the code for Horde 4 and all  
> applications. If you are feeling adventurous, you could instead  
> download the most recent development snapshots of horde, framework,  
> imp, and any other apps you want from the ftp server. Note that  
> Horde 4 is still under heavy development and is not suitable for  
> production use at this time.

Additional documentation can be found on this page (under H4):


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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