[imp] Drag and drop

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed Jan 30 17:57:55 UTC 2013

Quoting c.bayerlein at bundesarchiv.de:

> I'm using and admistrating Horde in the office. As I'm disabled, I  
> use speech recognition (Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking) to control  
> my pc. Everything works fine, except that I noticed that in IMP H5  
> (6.0.2) dynamic view, drag and drop to move messages to a folder  
> doesn't work anymore for me. I realize, that the issue is connected  
> with Dragon. When my assistant drags and drops a message manually  
> with the mouse, it works fine. However, in the former version, it  
> worked with my Dragon, as well.
> So - is there a different way to move messages to folders in the  
> dynamic view? Keyboard? I don't want to change to static, though  
> (dynamic is neater).

Not in dynamic view.

> What was changed regarding dnd compared the the former version?

You can do a 'git diff imp-6.0.2..imp-x.x.x imp' command to see the  
specific code that changed between any two versions.  But not sure how  
you can expect to give you a reasonable answer to the question "what  
code changed between two different major versions of software" besides  
"pretty much everything".


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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