[imp] broken attachments with IMP 6.0.4

Laurent Mazet mazet at softndesign.org
Wed Mar 6 10:09:16 UTC 2013


Does anyone else see the same issue? If, I will check if there any  
issue with an obscure PHP library dependency.



Quoting Laurent Mazet <mazet at softndesign.org> at lun., 04 mars 2013:

> Hi
> I upgrade this morning, but the issue is still present.
> # ./pear.sh upgrade -a -B -c horde
> ...
> upgrade ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Core-2.4.0
> upgrade ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_ActiveSync-2.3.1
> upgrade ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Compress_Fast-1.0.0
> I dig into the log file; I only find this but I don't think this  
> correlated as my test was done at 7:47
> 2013-03-04T07:40:23+01:00 WARN: HORDE [imp] PHP ERROR:  
> json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument [pid 21589 on line  
> 242 of "/usr/local/share/horde5/pear/php/Horde/Serialize.php"]
> Regards
>     Laurent
> Quoting Laurent Mazet <mazet at softndesign.org> at sam., 02 mars 2013:
>> Hi
>> I found a strange bug with some specific attachments ie some PDF  
>> files that only use ASCII (ie byte from 32 to 128).
>> I think that horde use a standard text encoder to include it into  
>> the email. However, the encoder break lines before the 1000th  
>> characters by adding a carrier return. That's why Acrobat XI can't  
>> read it (unlike internal Gmail pdf reader).
>> Strangely, followed attachments are also broken. As one can see in  
>> this mail, I attached a compress version of a pdf file, then the  
>> pdf file itself and after a copy of the first compressed file.
>> My hode 5.0.4 install came from pear depots (I just update this  
>> morning). With H4/DIMP, I don't see the issue.
>> Regards,
>>    Laurent
> -- 
> Dr. Laurent Mazet   -=-  "Use the source, Luke"  -=-   mazet at softndesign.org

Dr. Laurent Mazet   -=-  "Use the source, Luke"  -=-   mazet at softndesign.org

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