[imp] attachments

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Oct 21 22:48:53 UTC 2013

Quoting Albert Shih <Albert.Shih at obspm.fr>:

> Hi all,
> With the new imp they are this very nice feature to convert any attachments
> (larger than some size) to a link.
> I would like to known where this attachment is stored. Am I correct if I
> say it's inside the Virtual Storage ?

Quick answer: yes.  Long answer: yes, if using the configuration  
provided with IMP.  But it is also possible to write a driver to store  
this data anywhere (i.e. one could theoretically write a driver to  
store attachments on Dropbox).

> If it's really inside the Virtual Storage, how can I clean up ? I'm very
> afraid about the size that's going to take. I make the duration shorter (2
> mounth) but I don't think I can make it more shorter.

Garbage collection is (possibly) performed on the VFS backend  
everytime the Attachment code is used.

> Long time ago I have this impression we got a menu inside
> «Administration» called «Virtual FS» or something like that. I didn't see
> it anymore.

It is in the Horde configuration.

> Other question : why the back message who say how to delete the link is in
> english what ever the user preference is ?

This is a bug.  Please report to bugs.horde.org.  When opening a  
linked attachment, Horde is not authenticated (it is a guest access)  
so the global defaults of the installation are used.  We should grab  
the sending user's language preference and set the language to it  
before generating the e-mail message.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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