[imp] Imp search timeout

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Jan 23 07:42:15 UTC 2020

Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Simon Wilson <simon at simonandkate.net>:
>> I have a newly installed setup with Horde 5.2.21, working really  
>> well, on CentOS8 with PHP7.4 from Remi. So much faster than the old  
>> VM (CentOS6 with PHP5.6)!
>> Anyway, only one issue so far - doing Imp Advanced Searches with a  
>> broad search (e.g. Entire Message, all mailboxes, 4 letter string)  
>> I am getting timeouts (backend is off-server to a local Cyrus IMAP  
>> server). A narrower search works fine, so something is timing out.  
>> These searches would work OK on the old server.
> Would they be hitting the same cyrus server, and also not running on  
> the same host?
>> Horde logs:
>> 2020-01-22T18:57:10+10:00 WARN: HORDE [imp] [search] Error when  
>> communicating with the mail server. [pid 4722 on line 730 of  
>> "/var/www/horde/imp/lib/Imap.php"]
>> I notice that in backends.php there is a timeout option available,  
>> but the documentation indicates that this only applies to the SMTP  
>> option. True enough, having a guess and setting  
>> $servers['imap']['timeout'] = 120; doesn't help...
> This would be the correct setting for the timeout, assuming 'imap'  
> is the correct server stanza for your configuration. FWIW, the  
> description is listed in the header of the backends.php file, but  
> it's the very last option, I missed it the first time I looked too ;)
> Are you sure the issue was a timeout on the IMAP server?
>> Can anyone point me at where or if I can set a longer IMAP timeout?  
>> Or if there is something else I am missing - a PHP-FPM timeout  
>> accessing IMAP? Php.ini max_execution_time = 30?
> A possibility, sure. How long did the searches take on your old system?
>> Or is this just something I need to improve on the Cyrus box - squatter?

If your question is whether to use squatter, then definitely: yes!

>> Any ideas would be helpful.
> Anything of interest on the cyrus server logs? You can also activate  
> imap debug logging in backends.php to log the IMAP conversation so  
> we can see if there is anything weird going on there.
>> Thanks
>> Simon
>> -- 
>> Simon Wilson
>> M: 0400 12 11 16
>> -- 
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Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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