[ingo] Re: Ingo Filters

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Wed Jun 25 22:01:44 PDT 2003

Quoting Rodolfo <segleaur at mechanus.org>:

| Michael M Slusarz said something about Re: [ingo] Re: Ingo Filters on
|  Mon, 23 Jun 2003 :
|  | | i've set up the backends.php to use the imap setting as:
|  | |
|  | | $backends['null'] = array(
|  | |     'driver' => 'null',
|  | |     'preferred' => 'sigil.mechanus.org',
|  | |     'script' => 'imap',
|  | |     'hordeauth' => 'user',
|  | |     'params' => array()
|  | | );
|  | |
|  | | i'm still trying to track down the problem, but if any of you have
| an
|  | | idea what's going on - drop me a line.
|  |
|  | No problems here.
|  |
|  | michael
|  |
| that's what baffles me. i'm presuming you're also using the latest cvs
| code for
| imp also? the rules are stored correctly in the prefs table, but no
| matter what
| rule i define, it still doesn't get applied. i'm looking into which part
| of
| ingo is failing, but i'm a little swamped right now.

You can use the 'Apply Filter Now' in the latest CVS to aid in your


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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