[ingo] (no subject)
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Thu Jan 13 02:31:14 PST 2005
Zitat von Christian Lawrence <clawrence at optimiser.com>:
> Hi all.
> I have a situation and am seeking advice on how to best proceed.
> I need to introduce a new set of sieve rules into our environment for all our
> users, which means I need to modify each user's sieve script. Nothing like a
> bit of shell script on the server to get things done.
> Anyway, the problem is that Horde/Ingo maintains a cache of the
> user's previous
> sieve script. The next time a user modifies their filters using Horde, the
> site-wide changes which I applied are overwritten, un-intentionally.
> The user
> never sees the rules I added prior to them make their change.
> I can't leave it upto the users to make the necessary changes because
> it would
> be just in-effective. Likewise, logging into each account and using
> Horde/Ingo
> to make the changes would be too laborious.
> Is there a way to force Horde/Ingo to refresh its user cache from the sieve
> script on the server?
No. See the mailing list archives for details.
> Ideally, as a system administrator, I would like to force Horde/Ingo
> to update
> rather than leave it up to the end-user to do - that way I know that all the
> users are using the most up-to-date version of the sieve script, and the
> changes they make to their filters won't unintentionally backout my changes.
> Ideas? Help?
The best solution IMO would be to write an SQL storage driver that stores
the rules seperately so that they can be updated easier. Would be a nice
thing to contribute or sponsor.
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