[ingo] Regarding stability

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 11 08:29:47 PST 2006

Zitat von Lars Tobias Børsting <lars.tobias.borsting at ntnu.no>:

> we are looking for a new email filtering solution at our university to
> replace Procmail, like for example Sieve. We use the Courier IMAP
> server, and unfortunately I havent been able to find a stand alone
> Manage Sieve server, like Cyrus' timsieved.  I came across Ingo, and it
> caught my interest. We are already using IMP for webmail.
> I can see that Ingo is a rather new project. Would you consider Ingo
> stable enough for a production system for about 50k users?

Where did you get that from? Ingo is already several years old and we  
currently prepare the second major version. It's definitely suitable  
for large production systems.
But it's probably not what you are looking for. It's a filter  
*frontend*, not a filter *engine*.


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?

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