[ingo] vacation and procmail problem

Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz Jose-Marcio.Martins at ensmp.fr
Wed Dec 13 13:19:13 PST 2006


Markus Krause wrote:
> Hi List,
> after intensive debugging i found the reason for the problem described 
> below: to prevent users from logging in directly to our mail server  all
> shells for the users are set to /bin/false. but obviously sendmail 
> needs a real shell.
> does anyone know a solution without setting the login shell to 
> something else than /bin/false?
> or does someone know a different procmail rule for vacation?

What about adding /bin/false to /etc/shells ?

This other point probably doesn't solve your one, but bundled sendmail
vacation program needs a home dir for the user. If your users doesn't
have a home dir, you shall use a common one, belonging to root...

> thanks in advance for any help!
> regards
>   markus

 Jose Marcio MARTINS DA CRUZ           Tel. :(33)
 Ecole des Mines de Paris              http://j-chkmail.ensmp.fr
 60, bd Saint Michel                http://www.ensmp.fr/~martins
 75272 - PARIS CEDEX 06      mailto:Jose-Marcio.Martins at ensmp.fr

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