[kronolith] Re: your mail

Weston Bustraan weston@itdonline.net
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 14:16:14 -0500 (EST)

> Quoting Weston Bustraan <weston@itdonline.net>:
> > Wow! I've been waiting to see what it's like. I have to say that I'm
> > impressed.
> Thanks! Glad to hear that it's looking good to some people. =)

One thing about I like about the horde project is that it shows good
design sense and it looks nice too.

> Okay... starting to reach here, but:
> 1. permissions on /etc/mpasswd?

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           21 Nov  3 11:21 /etc/mpasswd

> 2. Can you use /etc/mpasswd as a normal .htaccess file and authenticate
> against it with the username and password you're using for kronolith?


> 3. Do you have the mcal command line program? Can you open a calendar
with that?

Yes. Yes.

> 4. permissions on files inside /var/calendar/, as well as the directory

drwxrwxrwt    2 nobody   nobody       1024 Nov 14 14:00 /var/calendar/
-rw-rw-rw-    1 weston   weston        328 Nov 14 14:06 /var/calendar/weston

> 5. log messages anywhere? apache logs, etc...

I can't find anything in the logs regarding mcal.

> 6. You did compile libmcal --with-mstore, right, with no errors?

Yes, no errors

> Maybe just try completely opening up the permissions on /var/calendar and the
> files in it to see if that makes a difference, and then narrow it down from
> there if that works...
> -chuck

I created a file called test.php, it looks like this:

$stream = mcal_open('{/mstore}', 'weston', 'test');

I am able to use the mcal program with this username and password. This
test script bombs out with this error message:

Warning: Couldn't open stream {/mstore} in
/home/sites/main/web/horde/kronolith/test.php on line 2

Well, I'm totally baffled, how about you? :)

| Weston J. Bustraan      | E-Mail: weston@itdonline.net     |
| Development Manager     | Phone: (616)249-3630             |
| Infinity Tel-Data Inc.  | Fax:   (616)249-3067             |
| 4723 S. Division Ave.   | WWW: www.itdonline.net           |
| Wyoming, MI 49548       | PGP: finger weston@itdonline.net |

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