[kronolith] Fail to authenticate IMAP session.

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 22:11:18 +0100

Zitat von Christopher Crowley <ccrowley@tulane.edu>:

> My current problem is that Kronolith isn't recognizing the imp session
> that
> is created.  I have added a link to Kronolith from the menu bar in IMP.
> When I click on this link, I am redirected to
> http://server//horde/kronolith/index.php
> which redirects me to:
> hp
> which redirects me into an infinite loop.
> Is there anything that I can add to my horde registry which will
> eliminate
> this problem?
> Currently (the rest of the config from the dist file is still vanilla:
> $this->registry['auth']['login'] = 'imp';
> $this->registry['auth']['logout'] = 'imp';

This should work. Do you have any messages in your horde log?

> Finally, can I forgo the mcal mess and use MySQL?

Yes you can, if you don't need alarms right now. But this won't solve your


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