Alarm Notification/Second Alarm Was: [kronolith] Question About
Eric Rostetter
Mon, 20 May 2002 11:28:23 -0500
Quoting Brandon Knitter <>:
> Kronolith cvs commiters, is this an acceptable approach before I put too
> much time into it? I would write a script that will see what meeting
> alarms are coming up and send alerts for them. Since we only have one
> alarm, and we have no "marked as alerted" mechanism right now, I would
> simply maintain a file in the horde tmp space (obviously reconfigurable
> later).
> Thanks,
> bk
I think this would be a great add-on, but shouldn't be the default way
to do alerts. I'd rather it worked like the mcal one. Basically set up
a way so that when the horde framework refreshes the page, it checks for alerts
and uses the horde notify system or a javascript popup to notify the user.
It could also be setup to email the same way. I'm not sure how far we are
on having the horde menu frame at the bottom of the screen refresh -- I know
work was being done on this but not sure what the status of that work is, or
what this would mean if that frame wasn't there. Or should kronolith have its
own refresh option the way IMP does?
The problem with cron is that not everyone will have it (windows hosts,
OpenVMS hosts, etc). Sure, they probably have some way to schedule jobs,
so it isn't a big deal, but this would at least need to be acknowledged in
the docs. Also, trying to make a external (non-horde) script which accesses
the horde database from outside of horde means you have to duplicate database
configuration info in the two, and changing one may break the other. Also not
a big deal. And last, it really complicates the process of setting up horde
to have to configure external stuff (cron or whatever).
Just my $0.02 on the subject.
Eric Rostetter
Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit from my hat!