[kronolith] Shared Calendar Thoughts

Pete Schwamb pete@the-valley.org
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 10:27:29 -0600

I think both approaches serve different needs and that both have merit.  Why
can't we do both?

In some cases I think it would be much easier to manage a seperate calendar that
serves a certain purpose (say 'local events') that those interested in could
subscribe to.  This is the type of thing I'd personally like to see for my site.

In the case of wanting to send an event to a diverse group of people, the shared
calendar approach doesn't really help.  I think this type of need is best served
by some sort of invite type event, where the recipients are specified at event
creation time, and groups of recipients could also be specified, as long as
their was some sort of grouping mechanism.

Just my .02
