[kronolith] calendar's not saved...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Apr 10 10:45:34 PDT 2003

Quoting Bill Dossett <bd at emtex.com>:

> Using cvs HEAD of kronolith, I'm a little
> confused about what is happening, if it is
> a bug or I haven't configured something.
> I have created a new calendar, shared
> between myself and someone else called
> IT Dept Calendar.  We added our current
> holidays to it for this month.  The calendar
> shows up in the upper right hand corner drop
> down box which lists the possible calendars.
> When I go to options -> calendars  the drop
> down box has both my calendar and IT Dept
> Calendar, but when I then do edit calendars,
> only the default, My Calendar is available for
> editing.  I guess this seems more like a bug
> to me as I've logged out and back in and
> the IT Dept Calender persists between sessions.

Did you create the IT calendar, or did the other user? You only see
calendars that you created in the edit calendars page.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de

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