[kronolith] Re: Generation of user friendly FBURL

Ken Weaverling weave at dtcc.edu
Sun Apr 3 10:32:54 PDT 2005

On Sun, 3 Apr 2005, Craig White wrote:

> all of the discussion about your CTO and his experiences aren't really
> useful here.

You're right. Point taken.

> I use LDAP - I would recommend that you use LDAP too for a lot of
> reasons but that shouldn't be necessary at all for using the free/busy
> info.


> What would be necessary is to have an address book which has the users
> and their free/busy URL. It also seems necessary to for these users to
> have a default_identity, from_addr and search_abook set (the one with
> the free/busy entries) in their horde_prefs and none of this is
> automatically done (unless you use a custom hook). This is my
> understanding and I could be wrong.

I'll go through my test cases and try to ensure each of those steps are
done. Maybe one of them missing is my problem.

> I should point out that when I create a user in my LDAP backend, I have
> it scripted to create a personal LDAP address book for that user and to
> add their free/busy URL automatically - even though they haven't logged
> into Horde/Imp and once they do log in, their 'Default Identity' and
> 'Mail From Address' are automatically set via a custom hook. There is no
> reason that you couldn't do similarly - even using an sql backend to
> store users.

I seem to remember seeing some scripts for stuff like that on the wiki.
Probably what I'll end up doing. But how do you determine the correct
free/busy url? Just set it for their default calendar? The discussion
earlier today was about when users want different calendars to be used to
calculate free/busy, so I'm still not clear how that information gets
published. Do they update their own record in the ldap with it?

Thanks for your your feedback.

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