[kronolith] Sunbird/iCal

Gianluca Bosco g.bosco at bitache.net
Sat Apr 1 05:47:55 PST 2006

Quoting "Nathanael D. Noblet" <nathanael at gnat.ca>:

> Hello,
>    So I have a system with the latest stable Horde/Imp/Kronolith/Nag
> installed and working. However I'd like to be able to access the
> calendar/nag tasks from Sunbird or Evolution/Outlook. I've searched the
> web with google, and gone through the archives for this list. I've seen
> discussions about it, but never how one subscribes to the kronolith
> calendar. There doesn't seem to be any documentation in the docs
> directory of the tarball that helps. Is there some obvious place I'm
> missing the instructions on configuring this?

I don't know whether you can access directly calendar/tasks from such  

What I know is that - you can *synchronize* calendar/tasks with your  
outlook using syn4j plugin for outlook:


If you try it, it would be nice to have a feedback on list :)

Gianluca Bosco

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