[kronolith] No more week view...and other Kolab pb

chaloupe at free.fr
Tue Apr 25 10:26:30 PDT 2006

Hi every body,

My first post on this list : I've installed, tried, re-intalled, 
re-tried....kolab and horde since about 1 year !
I'm french, so, would you please excuse my poor english.

Config :
Kubutu  Linux 2.6.12-10-386
Kolab 2.0.3
Kronolith H3 (2.1)
Horde 3.1
ImpH3 (4.1)
First of all, i'm tolally new to linux (1 year).
My two problems :
I just changed Kronolith configuration to use Kolab as Calendar and FB 
drivers settings (was SQL before and worked perfectly)
Since that :
1. I have no more "week" and "day" view in kronolith ("month" and "year" 
are OK) just for 1 user (me...but i'm the only user, since I test again 
and again...before production ;o))
2. The purpose of this change is to use Kolab with Toltec connector for 
Outlook. And here is my second problem : all calendar events go to 
"Agenda" mail box whereas Outlook expect them in to the "Calendar" mail 
box...I suppose there's an easy way to change that, but...I can not 
find  it.
3. Oups...I forget another problem : since that same change, I've lost 
the format of the "welcome" page (not sure you can understand me ... 1st 
page wich summerized all the applications,  mail, tasks, weather ... und 
so weiter und so fort ... )... very strange ... and no more icons to 
deal with it.

Well ... my first try on this list ... and I would be greatfull for any 

Lost in Kolab's Horde's world ...


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