[kronolith] No more week view...and other Kolab pb

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Apr 26 08:47:57 PDT 2006

Zitat von Tô <chaloupe at free.fr>:

> I just changed Kronolith configuration to use Kolab as Calendar and FB
> drivers settings (was SQL before and worked perfectly)
> Since that :
> 1. I have no more "week" and "day" view in kronolith ("month" and
> "year" are OK) just for 1 user (me...but i'm the only user, since I
> test again and again...before production ;o))


> 2. The purpose of this change is to use Kolab with Toltec connector for
> Outlook. And here is my second problem : all calendar events go to
> "Agenda" mail box whereas Outlook expect them in to the "Calendar" mail
> box...I suppose there's an easy way to change that, but...I can not
> find  it.

This has been discussed, but I don't remember which one was to blame,  
Horde, Toltec, or Outlook.

> 3. Oups...I forget another problem : since that same change, I've lost
> the format of the "welcome" page (not sure you can understand me ...
> 1st page wich summerized all the applications,  mail, tasks, weather
> ... und so weiter und so fort ... )... very strange ... and no more
> icons to deal with it.

What do you mean by "lost"?


Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?

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