[kronolith] 2.2-RC-2: reminders not sent until calendar is refreshed

Per olof Ljungmark peo at intersonic.se
Mon Mar 10 17:51:25 UTC 2008

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Keep discussions on the list!
> Zitat von Per olof Ljungmark <peo at intersonic.se>:
>> Jan Schneider wrote:
>>> Zitat von Per olof Ljungmark <peo at intersonic.se>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In Kronolith 2.2-RC2 (Horde 3.2-RC2), remonders of calendar events are
>>>> only sent after refreshing the calendar view.
>>>> Options are set to send e-mail reminders, no optional e-mail address
>>>> filled in.
>>> How else should this work but through a request or cron job (which 
>>> is  actually request too, but from the command line)?
>>> Jan.
>> But the cron job is there - and it worked just fine in previous 
>> version. Sounds like there is something wrong with the cron job then.
> Then you have hit a bug that has been fixed after RC2.

What bug number would that be?

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