[kronolith] how to re: Added calendar widgets embeddable into external websites

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Oct 1 14:17:49 UTC 2008

Quoting gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:

> Yes Michael that fixed it.  Thanks for the help!  This is a great feature!
> 3 things I noticed while experimenting:
> 1.  I tried different views like week and day but they did not work.  
>  I gather only works for month and summary?  Is there also a way to  
> get a full sized calendar like a print view?

Not currently. These widgets are just thin wrappers around the  
corresponding blocks that can be displayed on the Horde portal page.

> 2.  I noticed that when you click on a day it does not show the  
> details for that day unless you tick off the calendar on the side.   
> I tested this on your test calendar and got the same result as mine.  
>  If the code specifies a specific calendar shouldn't that one be  
> ticked off?  Is this an option somewhere?

Hm. I had not noticed that before, but you are correct. That's  
something that will have to be looked into. The issue is that those  
'ticks' are controlled as a user preference and if your viewing the  
calendar as a guest you have the default preference value. Perhaps we  
could pass the calendar name as a get variable to force showing it?

> 3.  It doesn't seem to work if I use the friendly calendar name but  
> it works if I use the numbers.

If by "friendly calendar name" you mean the display name that you give  
your calendar, then no, it won't work. Those are just arbitrary text  
strings assigned by the calendar creator and are not guaranteed to be  
unique so they can't be used to identify a calendar.

> **Thanks again!**

No problem! Thanks for the feedback.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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