[mimp] Re: mimp login problem

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Sep 14 15:02:48 PDT 2004

Quoting Andy McDuffie <andy at big-science.com>:

> I see what you are saying, but will the "munge" method of setKey() not deal
> with a lack of cookie support at least sometimes?  I need to be able to
> connect using a variety of cell phones (mostly motorola, but also LG and
> Nokia), and have been using the actual phones, manufacturer's SDK emulators
> for the same, and also a trial version of SmartPhone emulator to try and
> login to MIMP, but no luck yet.  Is it possible all of these could be foiled
> by the cookie problem?

It should, yes, but if you have misconfigured cookie_path settings or 
some such,
that could break things.

I've also noticed that my windows devel box has broken mcrypt support; 
mcrypt fixed a lot of Secret:: problems for me. But I haven't had any time to
investigate that one.


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