[sam] Re: 28 Aug 2003 Commit - Horde/IMP Versions?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Mar 11 08:35:19 PST 2004

Quoting "Gary C. New" <garycnew at yahoo.com>:

> I appreciate how helpful you have always been with your replies.  I
> think it is one thing this project has over all the others.  If I knew
> how to figure out what versions of Horde and IMP were used with that
> particular commit, do you think I would be posing the question here?

How am I supposed to know? You didn't explicitly say what you'd tried 
or didn't
know. You're asking me to assume the best possible faith in a medium where we
get a ton of questions that are answered by reading the FAQ.

http://cvs.horde.org/cvs.php/sam/spam.php - first commit (bottom of the 
page) is
what you seem to be referring to. It was to HEAD.

> Several versions of Horde and IMP have been released since that time.
> Wouldn't it be just as easy to release a working version of SAM when
> those respective projects provide a release?

Not really, since a RELENG version of Sam was never done in the first 
place, and
there are *significant* differences between HEAD and Horde 2.x.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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