[sesha] Sesha Status

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jun 21 10:13:42 PDT 2005

Quoting Nik Chanda <nchanda at tachometry.com>:

> I was wondering if anyone is tracking on this list.  I noticed that the
> archives show a last posting of August 2004.  Our team has been working
> on an asset tracking module for the Horde framework (much like the IRM
> project). The sesha module has a very extensible data model that fits
> this project very well.  While we are not specifically targeting
> inventory (such as in-store stock), we would like to extend the module
> to support asset and issue tracking.

Assets would seem to fit, issues would seem to fit better with Whups 
(which also has a very flexible data model).

> Is anyone currently managing this project?  If so I would like to open a
> discussion about assisting in the further development.

Bo Daley is the one who did the initial work on Sesha (he wrote it for 
internal use, then imported it later. He's been pretty busy; if you 
wanted to run with Sesha you'd be more than welcome to. So discuss away!


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
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