[sork] Mdaemon passwd module
Eric Rostetter
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 23:22:49 -0500
Quoting Michael Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:
> Okay, a first cut is here:
> http://www.graftonhall.co.nz/mikes/Horde%20Diffs/Password%20Restructure/
Most interesting! Lots to chew on... I will probably merge most if not all
of this code into the password module. Actually I'm sure I'll merge all the
changes in, just with some tweaks here and there (variable names, comments,
Equally important, this will help me with my plans to change the
forwards/vacation modules to make them less dependent on ftp.
Some of this (like the javascript) I can merge into the existing framework.
Other parts I'll probably need to bump the version number before adding as
it is such a major change...
> - Mike :-)
Thanks Mike!
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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