[sork] Mdaemon passwd module
Eric Rostetter
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 09:32:28 -0500
Quoting Michael Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:
> well i got a bit bored and wrote a forwards_driver for mdaemon and did a
> similar restructure... well kinda a re-write... but yeah.. anyway way:
Yes, while your reorg of passwd was good and all, I think the real benefit
of reorganization comes in forwards and vacations. So I'm very excited to
use your work. But first I want to get the current stuff cut/tagged as
version 2.0, and then merge your stuff in as version 2.1. So it may take
a little while before I can get things rolling.
But thanks a lot for your work. I've been pondering how to do this kind
of setup for forwards/vacations, and not getting very far, so your work is
a real godsend...
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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