[sork] Re: Aha!

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:51:33 -0500

Quoting "Derek J. Balling" <dballing@byramhealthcare.com>:

> OK, I found out WHY it's happening, but I don't know enough PHP to fix it.

Actually you do, but the fix isn't so easy...

> What it really needs to be doing, logically is
> $tmp_filename = get_temp_filename();
> /path/to/vacation -i -f $tmp_filename
> ftp_copy_file($user,$realm,$pass, $tmp_filename, ".vacation.db");
> unlink $tmp_filename

Pretty much would work, except that we don't know that there is a vacation
program on the web server running Horde.  Remember, Horde may not be running
on the mail server, and may not have access to external programs like vacation.

To do what you propose, we would need to make it a requirement that the
Horde web server have not only a vacation program, but a compatible vacation
program to the one that actually processes the mail.  This isn't a hugh deal
but it is something I wanted to avoid.

You are the first one to find a vacation program that chokes on the null
files AFAIK.  The null files work for most people...

I'm sure we will find a solution soon...

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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