[sork] Re: Aha!

Derek J. Balling dredd@megacity.org
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:57:48 -0400

At 10:51 AM -0500 7/11/02, Eric Rostetter wrote:
>To do what you propose, we would need to make it a requirement that the
>Horde web server have not only a vacation program, but a compatible vacation
>program to the one that actually processes the mail.  This isn't a hugh deal
>but it is something I wanted to avoid.

And as I noted in my other message, that's not really much of a 
solution either, because you might have to send vacation files to 
incompatible mailhosts. You need to make a requirement of "create a 
vacation file on the mailhost in question, and move that to the 
webserver to be the template from which all other vacation.db's on 
that host will be cloned". That seems to be the only way I can 
(Easily) think of to do it.

>You are the first one to find a vacation program that chokes on the null
>files AFAIK.  The null files work for most people...

I'm using the one that comes stock with Debian, which is a modified 
sendmail vacation program, AFAICT.


| Derek J. Balling             | "You can get more with a kind  |
| dredd@megacity.org           |  word and a two-by-four, than  |
| www.megacity.org/blog/       |  you can with just a kind      |
|                              |  word."               - Marcus |