[sork] Vacation 2.0 Problems

Bryan H sork@nvethis.d2g.com
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:44:43 -0400

When I set a vacation message, anyone trying to send a message to me recieves an

The original message was received at Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:30:29 -0400
from linuxbox.dmsolan []

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|/usr/local/bin/vacation bheusmann"
    (reason: service unavailable)
    (expanded from: <bheusmann@toybox.dmsolan>)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
smrsh: vacation not available for sendmail programs
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

Also, it appears that when I set a vacation message, I get the message at the
top saying that the message has been set, but when I return to either change or
remove it, it's as if it was never set; the default message is displayed.  I'm
not sure if that is the functionality of the program or if it is not working
I browsed in a terminal to /usr/local/bin and there was nothing in there, for
vacation or anything.  It was empty.  Could this be a problem why it is not working?

Here is my Vacation/config/conf.php

 * vacation Configuration File
 * This file contains global configuration settings for vacation. Values
 * may be safely edited by hand. Use conf.php.dist as a reference.
 * Strings should be enclosed in 'quotes'.
 * Integers should be given literally (without quotes).
 * Boolean values may be 'true' or 'false'.

// If not using realms or virtual hosting, then there is only one possible
// ftp server.  Even if you are using realms/hosting, you should always
// set a default server.  The next two settings define the
// default hostname where the ftp server is running, and the default port
// that it is running one.  These may be overriden by realm specific values
// if any exist below.

$conf['server']['default'] = array(host => 'toybox.dmsolan', port => 21);

// If you are using realms or virtual hosting where you authenticate to
// Horde with 'user@realm' rather than just 'user', then you can have
// a seperate ftp server for each realm or domain.   The following
// examples are for two realms (physics.utexas.edu and astro.utexas.edu)
//$conf['server']['physics.utexas.edu'] =
//      array(host => 'mail.ph.utexas.edu', port => 21);
//$conf['server']['astro.utexas.edu'] =
//      array(host => 'mail.as.utexas.edu', port => 21);

// We need to know where to find the vacation program on your system

$conf['vacation']['path'] = '/usr/local/bin/vacation';
//$conf['vacation']['path'] = '/var/www/html/horde/vacation';

// Define usernames for which we will refuse to set forwards.  Lists usernames
// only, and be aware that this blocks the username in all realms!

$conf['user']['refused'] =

// Define apps to put in the menu bar.  To include IMP in the menu bar, you
//would add: $conf['menu']['apps'] = array('imp');

$conf['menu']['apps'] = array('horde','imp');



Bryan H

This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/