[sork] realm

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 17:43:54 -0500

Quoting Tim Gorter <email@teletechnics.com>:

I may have found the problem...

What are you setting in your config.php file?  You should have a default
entry, plus one additional entry for any realms you have.  So if you have
realm set to "domain.name" in servers.php, then you should have something

$conf['server']['params']['domain.name'] = array('host' => 'localhost', 'port'
=> 21);

in the forwards/config/conf.php file.  My guess is you only have the
'default' entry, and not a realm specific 'domain.name' entry?
> >> This was working fine in earlier versions, but since the implementation
> of
> >> the Drivers, it has not, and it basically seems because that the setting
> in
> >> conf.php is overridden by what is set in the servers.php of IMP.

Yes, I think maybe I know the problem now.  Relates I guess to the lines:

       // Need to check if configured here -- do we have server and port???

in the forwards.php file.

We used to check if the entry for the realm existed, and if not fall back
on the default realm.  That logic has been lost now, and replaced with
the above comment. ;)

If I'm correct about all the above, then the changes needed to restore
the previous functionality should not be hard to do, and should return
you to working condition.  In any case, I think we need to add the code
back in, or at least generate an error if we're not going to do so...

> the thing is, realm is set to the domain name (which makes sense)

Yes.  Which means it expects a $conf['server']['params']['domain.name']
variable, which I'm guessing you don't give it? (And indeed, it would
have worked before without one, and will not work now without one).

> but then in forwards.php (i.e.)
> it tries to pick out the host from params[domain.name] for which of course
> there is no answer.

Ah, but there really should be.  But I'll try to restore previous functionality

> Yet I force realm in main.php to be 'default' again and thus
> params[default] gives me the setting placed in conf.php (localhost)

Yes.  As it should.

I'll try to fix this asap.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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