[sork] Passwd, Vacation, Forwards Structure.

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 17:31:43 -0500

Quoting Mike Cochrane <mike@graftonhall.co.nz>:
> This is mainly for Eric but i guess of interested to others.

> I'm just wondering if you have any plans to change the structore of the sork
> modules to get to a more IMP, Gollem style backends.php configuration with
> prefered machanism.

To tell you the truth, I've not had time to look into it yet.  So I have
no opinion on the matter.  My guess is we will eventually go this way.
But no idea when, and probably not soon.

There are big changes waiting to be made to the HEAD branch.  Thanks to
all who have submitted such changes.  The reasons they are waiting, and
not in CVS, are:

1) I've got not time to work on it at the moment.
2) I wanted to do a HEAD -> RELENG_2 merge first before I make any more
   major changes.
3) I don't completely understand all the new head changes, and want time
   to play with and learn them before I put them into modules I have to
   maintain (stuff like the new xml configuration files, etc).

> Why I ask: I have two completly different mail servers here (Cyrus, MDaemon)
> and have users that want to be able to change their passwords on both. At the

Very reasonable of them :)

> moment
> the password module does not allow different drivers for different servers.

I just checked and that is true.  It only allows one driver.

I could do a quick change to allow different drivers by realm, the way we
do the rest of the stuff.  You could do this easily too I'm sure.  But
I guess the correct way would be to go towards the backends.php that you
mention.  I've got to investigate that more.

> The
> only solution would be to run to seperate installations of passwd. Same

Well, that or to modify the code. :)

> I am happy to get a patch sorted for passwd to do this. The other two

Sure send it my way.  I'd probably bump the priority of it above all the
other stuff waiting in the queue...

> modules
> i'm planning on replacing in my setup by integrating Sieve into IMP.

I'd love to see a sieve backend for sork, BTW *hint* *hint*

> - Mike :-)
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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