[sork] Problem with the vacation database in vacation-2.1

Glynn Condez glynncondez2001 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 10 20:04:25 PST 2002

--- Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>

Hi Eric,
> > I found a little a trick regarding vacation
> database
> > problem. since my vacation database is not
> supported
> > by the database from vacation package.
> How did you determine that it wasn't supported? 
> What format do you need?

Im playing on different dbtypes on conf.php and it
wont work. I only work when I use the .vacation.db
generated by vavation -i.

file .vavation.db report something like this:
Berkeley DB (Hash, version 7, native byte-order)

> > Heres what I did:
> > 
> > 1. login as root
> > 2. generate the vacation database "vacation -i"
> > 3. copied the vacation.db to vacation/files
> > 4. temporarily moved the empty.empty.bin to other
> name
> > 5. move .vacation.db to empty.empty.bin
> By copying it to empty.bin you will overwrite it if
> you ever update the
> vacation module.  You should really create a new
> file name and configure
> it to use that instead.  If you leave it as-is, it
> should work, but you
> will need to be careful when/if you upgrade.
> > This procedure works for me.
> Okay, but I'm not sure it was needed, and I know it
> is not the "proper"
> way to do things. But it should indeed work.

Actually this is only a temporary solution coz I need
my vacation to work before xmas :) but if the final
solution comes out I should change this asap.

I have one question, Does the vacation send a
notification only once? Im not really experience with
vacation but from what Ive found I only got one
notification from that user eventhough i send more
that one email to it. Just curious :)


> -- 
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!

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