[sork] Help please; horde version, forwards customization

Nick Vargish nav at bandersnatch.org
Thu Feb 20 09:17:48 PST 2003


I'm working on setting up a large, multi-domain mail service using a
mix of components. The main players are qmail, vpopmail, courier-imap, 
and horde/IMP, all on the same server.

IMP is working really well, but there's been a request for forwarding
and vacation features, so I've been trying to get them set up for
a couple of days now, with not much success.

We've got horde 2.2 (not 2.2.1) and IMP 3.1. The forwards package
is from the nightlies about two days ago.

The default qmail driver isn't going to work for us, since our users
do not have system accounts and thus no ftp access to their 
directories. To work around that, I've created a custom driver
called "vpoplocal", which basically replaces the VFS/ftp operation
with a call to a custom script which performs the appropriate file
manipulations in /var/vpopmail/domains/$domain/$user.

The first problem is when the driver is Driver/vpoplocal.php and 
the line in config/conf.php is changed to point to vpoplocal. This
gives me an error involving an uninstantiated object call in main.php
on line 80. I suspect this means that the vpoplocal file is not being

If I rename the vpoplocal.php file to qmail.php, I get this error:

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'nls' in
/home/mailplanet/webmail/forwards/templates/common-header.inc on line 3

If I replace that bit of code with a simple "text/html" header call,
the next error I get is:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: authenticationfailureredirect() in
/home/mailplanet/webmail/forwards/lib/base.php on line 49

Can anyone tell me where I might have gone wrong? Will upgrading to 
horde 2.2.1 resolve these issues? I'm also a little confused about
the RELENG versions, I'm guessing these are English-only distributions?

I can provide more details if required, but this is getting long-winded
enough. Thanks for reading to this point, and I'd really appreciate
some pointers on this.


Nick Vargish  ||  nav at bandersnatch.org  ||  http://nav.bandersnatch.org/

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