[sork] Forwards and Proftpd

gilbertng at szetoho.edu.hk gilbertng at szetoho.edu.hk
Thu Apr 24 10:10:26 PDT 2003

Dear all,

I am using the IMP and forwards and get some problem, I have install the 
forwards to my Horde and it is fine and I can see the icon.  So I click it, but
when I input the forwarded email and click "Submit", it need about more than
1~2 minutes to process the request.  

Okay, I wait for it.  It is also work okay and I can forwards the mail.

However, when I click the forwards again (let say I change the forwards address)
, I need also 1~2 minutes to go into the page.

I am using the Proftpd and I don't know why it need so much time to process the 
request.  Can anyone help me!!

Here is my horde/test.php

Horde Versions
Horde: 2.1 
IMP: 3.1 (run IMP tests) 
Turba: 1.1 
Passwd: 2.1 
Forwards: 2.2 

PHP Version
View phpinfo() screen 
PHP Version: 4.2.1 
PHP Major Version: 4.2 
PHP Minor Version: 1 
PHP Version Classification: release 
You are running a supported version of PHP.

PHP Module Capabilities
FTP Support: Yes 
Gettext Support: Yes 
IMAP Support: Yes 
LDAP Support: No 
MCAL Support: No 
Mcrypt Support: No 
MySQL Support: Yes 
PostgreSQL Support: No 
XML Support: Yes 
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
short_open_tag enabled: Yes 
magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes 
file_uploads enabled: Yes 

PHP Sessions
Session counter: 2 
To unregister the session: click here 

PEAR - Yes 
Recent PEAR - Yes 
Mail::RFC822 - Yes 
Log - Yes 
DB - Yes 

Gilbert Ng

This mail sent through IMP: http://horde.org/imp/

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