[sork] passwd: using multiple backends simultaneously

Diego Rivera lrivera at racsa.co.cr
Mon Jun 2 09:21:52 PDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 09:18, René Lund Jensen wrote:
> > I am implementing an LDAP server which stores users unix passwords as 
> > well as LANmanager and NT passwords.  My hope is to use the horde passwd 
> > module to keep these in sync.  For example, when a user changes their 
> > password all three LDAP attributes get updated at the same time.
> Syncronising passwords is always a pain...
> Thats why I ended up writing the smbpasswd driver in the first place.
> Here we store userpasswords in samba only, and then via PAM_SMB have PAM 
> authenticating against Samba. almost anything can authenticate against 
> PAM, so this way users only have to chage their samba password.
> (which they can do via windows also if they are logged onto the domain 
> using samba as PDC.)
> René Jensen

Maybe using pam_winbind would be a better choice?  pam_winbind is the
module that allows you to auth/change passwd against a samba PDC, or
samba Password server.  Thus, no need for smbpasswd, just plain old
passwd with PAM support.

* Diego Rivera                                            *
*                                                         *
* "The Disease: Windows, the cure: Linux"                 *
*                                                         *
* E-mail: lrivera<AT>racsa<DOT>co<DOT>cr                  *
* Replace: <AT>='@', <DOT>='.'                            *
*                                                         *
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