[sork] how to configure (passwd,vacation,forward) ?

Roel Paule roelpaule at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 7 03:32:30 PST 2003

thanks for the reply sir..
- i already copy all the necessary files to set the 3 module: passwd, 
forward and vacation.
- actually i have my own database for my email.. i am using mysql, all my 
user it will authenticate with my database for my user.. i already try to 
link the passwd backend.. with my database. 
(horde/passwd/config/backend.php) and i already set the proper info ang link 
for my database.. but still it gives me an error.

$backends['sql'] = array (
   'name' => 'Owel Account',
   'preferred' => '',
   'password policy' => array(
       'minLength' => 3,
       'maxLength' => 8,
       'maxSpace' => 0,
       'minUpper' => 1,
       'minLower' => 1,
       'minNumeric' => 1
   'driver' => 'sql',
   'params' => array(
       'phptype'    => 'mysql',
       'hostspec'   => 'localhost',
       'username'   => 'postfix',
       'password'   => 'whatever',
       'encryption' => 'md5-hex',
       'database'   => 'provider',
       'table'      => 'users',
       'user_col'   => 'email',
       'pass_col'   => 'password'

i also change the setting (/passwd/lib/Driver/sql.php) just to matched the 
file and linking of file.. but still i get an error.. after i submitted my 
new password then it will try to change the password.
error: www/horde.owel/html/horde/passwd/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 41.

my sql info:
desc users;
| Field          | Type          | Null | Key | Default                      
  | Extra          |
| id               | int(11)       |      | PRI | NULL                       
    | auto_increment |
| email        | varchar(128)  |      | UNI |                               
|                |
| password | varchar(128)  |      |     |                               |    
| name        | varchar(128)  | YES  |     | NULL                          | 
| uid            | int(11)       |      |     | 1008                         
  |                |
| gid            | int(11)       |      |     | 1008                         
  |                |
| homedir   | varchar(128)  |      |     | /home/vmail/owel.broline.com/ |   
| maildir     | varchar(128)  |      |     |                               | 
| date_add | date          | YES  |     | NULL                          |    
| quota      | varchar(128)  | YES  |     | 10000000                      |  
| postfix     | enum('Y','N') |      |     | Y                             | 
11 rows in set (0.03 sec)

- another thing.. sir can u help me on how to create a database for my 
forward and vacation.. and how can i  enble it.. thanks.

god bless !

>From: Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>
>To: sork at lists.horde.org
>Subject: Re: [sork] how to configure (passwd,vacation,forward) ?
>Date: Wed,  5 Nov 2003 10:57:08 -0600
>Quoting Roel Paule <roelpaule at hotmail.com>:
> > forward and vacation.. its always gives me an error..
> > and its always say, not properly configured.. my
> > backend is sql.. im using postfix/mysql and
> > courier-imap..
>We would need to see your configuration files, or extracts there of,
>to help.  Or at least hear what you did to install it (did you copy
>the *.php.dist files to *.php files?  Did you then edit the *.php files?
> > i also check my horde database.. theres no table for vacation, passwd, 
> > forward..
>Correct.  Any such tables would be from an outside agent.  Horde and sork
>have no relevant sql tables themselves.
> > any idea what is the right config if your backend is sql..
>Nope.  But obviously you would need an sql table.  If you don't have one,
>you need to create one.  Doing so is not part of Horde/sork, but part of
>your mail software setup.
> > this is the another error when i try to change my email password:
> >
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getdriverconfig() in
> > /www/horde.owel/html/horde/passwd/lib/Driver/sql.php on line 41
>Huh?  That shouldn't be in the release version of passwd.  You must be
>running a CVS HEAD version?  If so, that is your problem...  What is
>in passwd/lib/version.php?
>There was a bug in the forwards and/or vacation module for some drivers
>that had this call, but I didn't think passwd had it.
>In any case, if in doubt, try upgrading to a CVS RELENG snapshot version.
>It should work (e.g. not have any getDriverConfig() calls).
> > thanks.. and god bless you all.
> >
> > some info:
> > Horde Versions:
> >
> >     * Horde: 2.2.3
> >     * IMP: 3.2.2 (run IMP tests)
> >     * Turba: 1.1
> >     * Passwd: 2.2
>This is strange, as the getDriverConfig() call should not be in that 
> > Vacation:
> > /horde/vacation/config/conf.php
> > // For sql driver, we need to define the database info.
> > $conf['server']['params'] = array();
> > $conf['server']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
> > $conf['server']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
> > $conf['server']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
> > $conf['server']['params']['password'] = 'secret';
> > $conf['server']['params']['vacation'] = 'vacation'; // y/n ENUM
> > $conf['server']['params']['message'] = 'vacation_msg';
> > $conf['server']['params']['subject'] = 'vacation_sub';
> > $conf['server']['params']['database'] = 'users';
> > $conf['server']['params']['table'] = 'users';
> > $conf['server']['params']['user_col'] = 'user';
> > $conf['server']['params']['pass_col'] = 'password';
>Do you have a database called "users" with a table called "user"? If so,
>did you grant access to it for the user "horde"?  And so on for the other
>info here?
> > $conf['server']['params']['database'] = 'database';
> > $conf['server']['params']['table'] = 'users_table';
> > $conf['server']['params']['user_col'] = 
> > $conf['server']['params']['pass_col'] = 'column_with_passwords';
>Ditto here.  Do you have a database "database" with a table "users_table"
>and so on.  If not, you need to change the config, or create the tables,
>or some combination of those.
>Eric Rostetter
>The Department of Physics
>The University of Texas at Austin
>Why get even? Get odd!
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