[sork] Aliases and Vacation

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Aug 12 07:59:00 PDT 2004

Quoting "Terry.Poperszky" <Terry.Poperszky at SOSStaffing.Com>:

> I am running a postfix mail server (2.0.014) hosting several domains. The
> problem is when users who have multiple aliases start using vacation. It

Yes, that is a problem, as the vacation module has no way to know their

> only replies to the original name and not the aliases. Now I can force it


> to reply to an alias by using the -a switch, but this would require users
> to contact the help desk rather than using the vacation 2.2 interface in
> Horde/Imp.

CVS HEAD, not sure about release versions, allow the user to specify the
alias(es) to use.  They can do this on their own, as long as they know
their aliases.

> Needless to say, my help desk would not be pleased.

Not sure if this is to lookup the aliases or what, so I can't comment.
> How are all of you handling this situation?

Newer versions let the user specify their aliases.  A hook that could be
set by the admin to lookup aliases in a site dependent way and populate the
alias field would be great, if anyone wants to take it on (or sponsor it
as a bounty).

> --
> Terry Poperszky
> Network Manager
> SOS Staffing Services
> Terry.Poperszky at SOSStaffing.Com
> 801-257-5709

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!

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