[sork] Re: Sork and Horde H3

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Sat Feb 12 08:39:55 PST 2005

Quoting Marc Balmer <marc at msys.ch>:

> > Sounds like a good start.  In particular the bug fixes to main.php. :)
> I did quite some changes to main.php to allow the vacation stuff to run
> without the user having to type in his password every time.

This isn't a bug, it is a security issue.  I'd support an option to not
need to enter a password (if default is to require password entry) but
this feature needs to remain.

> IMO its problematic to have different entry fields in vacation, like
> splitting the subject an the message.  Personally I would prefer a
> single text area where the user has to type in his vacation message
> including additional mailheaders etc.

This makes it easier for people who already know how to use the vacation
program, but makes it harder for (IMHO the majority) people who have no
clue about how vacation works.

> Now we have to apply some magic
> to split the message into fields for display and reassemble it for
> storage.  That gains nothing. A simple scheme like good old vacation,
> from which manpage I quote:

It gains something: the ability of my users who know absolutely nothing
about vacation to successfully set vacation notices on their own without
my help.  It also allows those concerned about security to provide some
other checks (not allow the user to forge headers, etc).

> > I don't see why you want to add a new module rather than fix/extend/etc
> > the current one.  But maybe that's because I don't know what the "ideal"
> > vacation program is.  Can you explain what the "ideal" would be?
> As for "ideal", see above.   Somthing nice, clean, and simple.  For the
> moment I drop the idea of a separate module, but rather make my changes
> configurable (like:  which vacation scheme to use: simple or
> split-fields etc).

That, IMHO, is the best way to go.  I fully support your changes if done
as configuration options (or in some cases, could even be preferences 

> - Marc Balmer

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!

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