[sork] Account, Vacation and Forward Installation Problem

Josh Trutwin josh at trutwins.homeip.net
Fri Jan 6 07:44:43 PST 2006

Dibas NEUPANE wrote:
> I have Installed Horde 3.0.9, IMP 4.04, Passwd 3.0 with poppasswd in my
> Fedora IV machine found working. Then I tried to install Accounts 2.1.2,
> Forward 2.2.2 and Vacation 2.2 . I dont want to use mysql backend rather
> than I want to use localhost. I have not made any changes on conf.php since
> I want to use default configuration. I  have copied all .dist files of
> config directory to php. I also did changes in /horde/config/registery.php
> accordingly.
> When I login, I can see forwards, vaction and account in left pan. When I
> click on these link NOTHING apear in the Browser.
> Please advise me step by step.

If you are using Horde 3 you cannot use those versions of 
Accounts/Forwards/Vacation (they work only with Horde 2) - I would 
install those modules from the snapshots 
(http://www.horde.org/source/snapshots.php) since they don't have 
releases (and probably never will for whatever reason) for Horde 3. 
The snapshots work well enough though.


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