[sork] PASSWD with MySQL, Postfix, VirtualDomains/Users

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Dec 6 18:03:01 UTC 2007

Zitat von Gustavo Verduzco Vazquez <info at gustavoverduzco.org>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Sounds like this query should do what you want:
>> 'UPDATE users SET password = ENCRYPT(\'%p\') WHERE email = \'%U\''
>> Jan.
> Hi Jan!
> Thanks for your answer! I replaced the query in backends.php but I am
> still unable to change the password. I get a generic error on the

What error? Where?

> screen but I can't find anything on the logs, mysql.log, auth.log,
> horde.log. Is there a way or a log that I can check to track down the
> problem?
> If I am updating the password on the database with the SQL ENCRYPT
> function via the query, which encryption option should I use on the
> params array? I've tried with md5-hex and plain without success!

Should be plain, since you do the encryption in the query, not in PHP code.


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