[sync] Sync from funambol/pocket pc requests a"configuration" database
Trent Gemmill
trent at trentnet.net
Wed Oct 8 13:10:07 UTC 2008
Thank you "No body is perfect" and Julien!
That seemed to be the case. I tried altering the case statement to
accept "configuration" but it always screamed about it not being "in the
registry". I couldn't find out how to turn "configuration" off.
Altering the code to turn off the function in funambol or to accept it
in horde is beyond what I could do.
I downgraded to the final 6. version of funambol. and it works now. I do
have one problem if Anyone could please help:
After cleaning the calendar so many times (in funambol) to try and get
the data on my phone it will not accept any calendar entries already on
my horde calendar.
If I enter a new item in horde on on my phone, they sync fine with each
other, but once "cleaned" they, or anything entered before the time of
the cleaning (regardless of when it is to occur), can't seem to be
placed back on my phone.
There are numerous entries the logs like this when I clean and try to do
a full sync:
DEBUG: SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::_getCuid(): SELECT
syncml_cuid FROM horde_syncml_map WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND
syncml_db = ? AND s
yncml_uid = ? AND syncml_suid = ?, values: fwm-352003010603F5173,
calendar, trentgem, 20080910093157.19853rsrz9bxlbuo at x.no-ip.org
DEBUG: Added to server from client during SlowSync:
20080910093157.19853rsrz9bxlbuo at x.no-ip.org ignored
DEBUG: SQL Query by SyncML_Backend_Horde::_getCuid(): SELECT
syncml_cuid FROM horde_syncml_map WHERE syncml_syncpartner = ? AND
syncml_db = ? AND s
yncml_uid = ? AND syncml_suid = ?, values: fwm-352003010603F5173,
calendar, trentgem, 20080910093157.10886bq8ocbsdmsk at x.no-ip.org
DEBUG: Added to server from client during SlowSync:
20080910093157.10886bq8ocbsdmsk at x.no-ip.org ignored
Thanks again for the help!
Trent Gemmill wrote:
> Hi Jan
> You may be right, perhaps I'm missing something. The version is
> finambol 7.08
> I haven't tried another.
> The only settings I see for controlling what syncs are for
> email/calender/tasks/contacts.
> If I set only calendar then calendar and configuration sync.
> WM Funambol works well with it's own server, and mozilla funambol
> works with horde.
> Thanks for any insights you can give.
> Trent
> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> I have never seen such a database in Funambol clients and I doubt it
>> can't be turned off. Which client version do you use, and did you try
>> a different version?
>> Zitat von Trent Gemmill <trent at trentnet.net>:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Horde allows syncing to a fer select "databases" (calender, tasks,
>>> etc).
>>> My uneducated guess is that funambol on windows mobile generates a
>>> "configuration" sync request automatically to sync something internal.
>>> Horde crashes when this happens and the funambol client can't even
>>> have
>>> it's setting s changed ( a poor design on their part). I through in a
>>> statement telling horde their was a "configuration" just like there
>>> is a calendar, contacts and tasks and now the phone thins it is synced.
>>> I hypothesize that when horde prematurely ends the sync process
>>> (because
>>> of my hacking) that it somehow prevents syncing of the other
>>> information
>>> from being finalized.
>>> There seems to be no way of getting the funambol client to stop sending
>>> that request.
>>> Gunnar Wrobel wrote:
>>>> Quoting "Trent Gemmill" <trent at trentnet.net>:
>>>>> I am running fedora 7 using the latest "stable" versions of horde,
>>>>> funambol connector for pocket pc, as well as the funambol
>>>>> connector for mozilla.
>>>>> Sync between pocket pc - funambol server - mozilla works fine.
>>>>> Sync between horde - thunderbird works fine.
>>>>> when syncing the pocket pc against horde, it fails with:
>>>>> HORDE [error] [horde] Invalid database configuration. Try tasks,
>>>>> calendar, notes or contacts. [pid 11434 on line 467 of
>>>>> "/var/www/html/horde/li...
>>>> I don't know the PocketPC but usually the SyncML clients allow you
>>>> to set the database name you want to synchronize with. In your case
>>>> you try to snychronize a database called "configuration". Either
>>>> that is an incorrect setting or something not supported by Horde.
>>>> Horde can currently sync tasks, calendar, notes or contacts (just
>>>> as the error message states).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Gunnar
>>>>> I added 'configuration' in backend.php(just as a guess):
>>>>> function isValidDatabaseURI($databaseURI)
>>>>> {
>>>>> $database = $this->_normalize($databaseURI);
>>>>> switch($database) {
>>>>> case 'tasks';
>>>>> case 'calendar';
>>>>> case 'notes';
>>>>> case 'contacts';
>>>>> case 'configuration';
>>>>> return true;
>>>>> default:
>>>>> this allowed the sync to continue without locking up, however (of
>>>>> course) i get the error message:
>>>>> HORDE [error] [horde] The method "configuration/listBy" is not
>>>>> defined in the Horde Registry. [pid 14050 on line 533 of
>>>>> "/var/www/html/horde/li...
>>>>> Interestingly the pocket pc thinks it synced fine, and seems to
>>>>> believe it has recieved some data, but niether horde nor the phone
>>>>> have any changes in their data
>>>>> I have /tmp/sync data if it is at all of interest.
>>>>> Thank you for any assistance you might be able to give.
>>>>> Trent
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>> Jan.
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