[sync] SyncML: No DTD found for -//SYNCML//DTD

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Oct 28 23:15:05 UTC 2009

Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net>:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: sync-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:sync-bounces at lists.horde.org]
>> On Behalf Of Jan Schneider
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:27 PM
>> Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net>:
>> > I have Horde installed, with Imp, Kronolith, etc. (and a fuller list
>> > below).  I also have Funambol installed (and working).  My version
>> > of Horde is relatively recent (installed about 3 weeks ago via
>> > apt-get on Debian) but it's not CVS, which I don't have setup.
>> Any versions installed via Debian packages is not recent. Those are
>> *badly* outdated, especially regarding SyncML support.
>> You don't need to install Horde from CVS, just a really recent release
>> would do.
> Assuming that's the case, why not update the Wiki to indicate that.

Which page in the wiki? The one that says "Make sure you have a recent  
(stable or CVS) version of the framework"?

> I went down the apt-get route for 2 reasons.
> ::	When I last tried to install Horde, .deb packages didn't exist.

We don't provide distribution packages. The distribution maintainers do.n

> ::	My apache/php/pear/mysql installs are all .deb packages for this  
> reason and getting a manual install to play with .deb installs is  
> hellishly complex in my experience.  I gave up because it was  
> several levels above my ability to get it to work.

That of course your choice. But then you will have to live with the  
features and bugs of the version that the distribution provides, and  
with the support they can give you for such an old version.
Both reasons are perfectly valid, it's your call what's more important to you.

> Perhaps, given the effort I went to to provide a full problem  
> description (and for the benefit of others who may find this  
> thread), you could a) give a short - even really short - description  
> of how I can bring my current install up to date or b) reassurances  
> that manual install to /usr/share/horde3 will function with the .deb  
> installs of php/apache/mysql

Sure it does, and I don't see a reason why it shouldn't, now or in the  
past. Read docs/UPGRADING for upgrading instructions.

> I've loved horde as a user for almost 6 years.  Having gotten this  
> installation working - for the most part - I've been fulfilled as an  
> admin.  I appreciate your effort on the code and the quick response,  
> but google hasn't been able to help - it would be nice if you could  
> offer a few more pointers.
> Thanks.
> --
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