[sync] umlaut problem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 6 13:03:22 UTC 2010

Zitat von Gregor Glashüttner <gregorprivat at gmail.com>:

> Hi!
> 2010/1/6 Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> How about following the usage notice? ;-)
> That´s what i´m doing ;-)
> plug:/tmp/sync# ls -l client_33.wbxml
> -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 307  2. Jan 20:23 client_33.wbxml
> plug:/tmp/sync# ls -lad .
> drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data 4096  2. Jan 20:23 .
> (Just to make sure it´s no permission problem in the directory)
> plug:/tmp/sync# wbxml2xml -m 1 -i 4 -o client_33.conv.xml client_33.wbxml
> wbxml2xml [libwbxml 0.9.2] by Aymerick Jehanne <aymerick at jehanne.org>
> If you use this tool, please send feedbacks to libwbxml at aymerick.com
> http://libwbxml.aymerick.com/
> This tool is linked with Expat (http://expat.sourceforge.net)
> Usage:
>   wbxml2xml -o output.xml input.wbxml
>   wbxml2xml -i 4 -l CSP12 -o output.xml input.wbxml
> Options:
>     -o output.xml : output file
>     -m X (Generation mode - Default: 1) with:
>        0: Compact Generation
>        1: Indent Generation
>        2: Canonical Generation
>     -i X (Indent delta when using mode '1' - Default: 1)
>     -k (Keep Ignorable Whitespaces - Default: FALSE)
>     -l X (Force Language Type of document to parse)
>        WML10 : WML 1.0
>        WML11 : WML 1.1
>        WML12 : WML 1.2
>        WML13 : WML 1.3
>        WTA10 : WTA 1.0
>        WTAWML12 : WTAWML 1.2
>        CHANNEL11 : CHANNEL 1.1
>        CHANNEL12 : CHANNEL 1.2
>        SI10 : SI 1.0
>        SL10 : SL 1.0
>        CO10 : CO 1.0
>        PROV10 : PROV 1.0
>        EMN10 : EMN 1.0
>        DRMREL10 : DRMREL 1.0
>        OTA : OTA Settings
>        SYNCML10 : SYNCML 1.0
>        DEVINF10 : DEVINF 1.0
>        SYNCML11 : SYNCML 1.1
>        DEVINF11 : DEVINF 1.1
>        METINF11 : METINF 1.1
>        SYNCML12 : SYNCML 1.2
>        DEVINF12 : DEVINF 1.2
>        METINF12 : METINF 1.2
>        CSP11 : WV CSP 1.1
>        CSP12 : WV CSP 1.2
>        AIRSYNC : Microsoft AirSync
> Note: '-' can be used to mean stdin on input or stdout on output
> plug:/tmp/sync# ls -l client_33.conv.xml
> ls: Zugriff auf client_33.conv.xml nicht möglich: Datei oder
> Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

Weird. Try "-o -" instead. Though you won't need this for debugging  
your problem anyway.

>> Are the tasks with umlauts stored in the database?
> The tasks are in the database, but i´m not sure wheter the encoding is
> right. I´m connecting to this box from a windows-PC via putty. If i
> set "Character set translation on received data" in putty to
> ISO-8859-1 i see the umlauts correctly. If i set it to UTF-8 i see
> grey cubes instead...

That's fine, if you configured Horde to store the data iso-8859-1  
encoded in the database backend.
So, the tasks end up in the table, but they don't show up in the task  
list? Not even when displaying all tasks and choosing all task lists  
in the panel in the top right?


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